Transatlantic - KaLIVEoscope Okt. 2014

Konzert- u. Workshop Termine, Release Termine für CDs und DVDs sowie Reviews

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Transatlantic - KaLIVEoscope Okt. 2014

Beitrag von Axel »

Am 24. Oktober 2014 ist "KaLIVEoscope" veröffentlicht worden.


Der auf YouTube veröffentlichte Livemitschnitt "Black As The Sky" klingt und sieht der vielversprechend aus:

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Hier noch ein paar Daten:

Track listing CD 1: Live in Tilburg
1. Into The Blue 27:49
2. My New World 18:28
3. Shine 7:23

Track listing CD 2: Live in Tilburg
1. The Whirlwind Medley 30:12
2. Beyond The Sun 4:50
3. Kaleidoscope 31:30

Track listing CD 3: Live in Tilburg
1. Neal & Roine Duet 4:34
2. We All Need Some Light 6:05
3. Black As The Sky 7:22
4. Nights In White Satin 8:09
5. Sylvia 4:46
6. Hocus Pocus 7:09
7. Medley: All Of The Above/Stranger In Your Soul 24:34
Track listing BluRay and DVD: Live in Cologne
1. Into The Blue 26:12
2. My New World 17:29
3. Shine 7:22
4. The Whirlwind Medley 29:34
5. Beyond The Sun 4:24
6. Kaleidoscope 31:30
7. Neal & Roine Duet 3:41
8. We All Need Some Light 5:56
9. Black As The Sky 8:43

10. Medley: All Of The Above / Stranger In Your Soul 26:06

Track listing DVD: Bonus DVD
1. Into the Kaleidoscope 1:21:52
(A behind the scenes look at:
Kaleidoscope World Tour 2014)

2. Band Interviews 22:31

3. Bonus Live Performances:
3.1. Nights In White Satin (Live in Tilburg) 7:46
3.2. Sylvia (with Thijs van Leer – Live in Tilburg) 3:46
3.3. Hocus Pocus (with Thijs van Leer – Live in Tilburg) 7:53

Additional extras: Mike Portnoy vs Neal Morse in “Name That Beatles Tune”


Neal Morse – lead vocals, keyboard, guitar
Mike Portnoy – drums, lead and backing vocals
Roine Stolt – guitar, lead vocals
Pete Trewavas – bass guitar, lead and backing vocals
Ted Leonard – guitar, backing vocals, keyboards (2014 tour)

Wie immer über unseren Link auch bei Amazon erhältlich:

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